How to Clean Your Coffee Machine

Back flushing should be done daily, we recommend you do this in a morning when you have more time to compete all the steps correctly.-Note missing any of these steps could result in cleaning powder stuck in the coffee machine.
Step 1 & 2
Remove the filter basket out of the double or the single handle.
Insert the blank disk into the group handle.
Step 3 and 4

Use Bio Gard espresso cleaning powder- half a tea spoon is enough.
Put the group handle in the coffee machine (like what you would do if you was going to make a coffee).
Then press the espresso button and leave for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds press the espresso button again to stop the pump running water into the handle.
- Repeat 10 times.
Step 5 and 6

Remove the handle from the group head and you will see a coffee stains bio Gard has removed.
With out a handle in press for a coffee to run clean water through the group head.
Step 6- Flushing, put the group handle back in the group head with the blank still in with no cleaning powder. Then press the espresso button and leave for 10 seconds. After 10 seconds press the espresso button again to stop the pump running water into the handle.
- Repeat 10 times.
Remove the group handle and you will see all the coffee stains have been removed, and there should be clear water in the handle. If this is not the case clean the group head again- Back to Step 1.
After this move on to the next group head, remember to put your single or double mesh back in the handle when you are done!
Use a group head cleaning brush to keep the seal in the group head clean. Click here for machine accessories page.
Back flushing should be done when there is enough time to complete all of these steps. This process is very important to look after the life of your coffee machine, and to keep a high standards of taste to the customer.
We recommend you use Bio Gard cleaning powder. Click here to see our cleaning products range.